Cookies Q&A; Why and where we use them

We use some 'cookie' files to help make your use of this site faster and easier. Here's why we use them, and where you might see them.

Why do we use cookies?

There is a list below of all the cookies used by MoneySavingExpert. In general these fall into four areas.

  • Forums. These are alll used to make the forum easier to use. for example, they keep you logged in, which you need to be to post messages.
  • Weekly email. To differentiate between those who get it and those that don't.
  • Tools. The free tools we build often use a cookie to make them easier to use. For example, it may remember which questions you have answered in a quiz so that we can tell you your score.
  • User interactions. These help us see which articles, tools and deals are of most interest to you. Information is all collected anonymously - we don't know which people have done what.

Any cookies which don't exist to make your experience of using the website better only provide us with statistics about the way users in general navigate the site. We do not use any information derived from cookies to identify any individual users.

Full list of cookies we use

Site analytics
Google Analytics

We use this to understand how the site is being used in order to improve the user experience. User data is all anonymous.


This helps us see where where people are on our site so we can tailor articles and user experience. User data is all anonymous.

Social networking

Facebook and Twitter both use cookies as part of sharing tools, as well as for the comments engine in Martin's blog and the Team Blog.

Visual Website Optimiser

We use this to learn about different versions of our site in order to improve the user experience. User data is all anonymous.

Weekly email
Tip cookie

If you're new to the site, you should have seen a "lightbox" inviting you to sign up for our free weekly email. This makes sure you only see it once.

Tools and applications

What does it do? It remembers what you've entered in the forms, so you can navigate around the tool without having to put it all in again.

Necessary? No, the tool will work if cookies are disabled. It just won't be as easy to use.

Cookies: cdeparture, carrival, cjourneytype, cflightsunder, cdeparturedate, creturndate, cexactdates, cflex, cdaysbetween, cnoofbags, ccardtype, cdatecheckbox


What does it do? This remembers what you've entered into the tool, so it can retrieve the information when you log in.

Necessary? You can't log into the system without it, and various parts of the tool won't work.

Cookies: ci_session


What does it do? Each quiz uses two cookies. One to store the start and end time of the quiz. The second stores whether you have entered the quiz or not.

Necessary? Yes, you can't complete a quiz without these cookies

Cookies: iq_quizdata, iq_quizcomplete, consumer-rights_quizdata, consumer-rights_quizcomplete, howtightareyou_quizdata, howtightareyou_quizcomplete, election_quizdata, election_quizcomplete, end-of-year-2010_quizdata, end-of-year-2010_quizcomplete, the-debt-test_quizdata, the-debt-test_quizcomplete, summer_quizdata, summer_quizcomplete, christmas_quizdata, christmas_quizcomplete

Forum WOW Feeder

What does it do? This makes sure the forum deals feed warning message is only shown once. If accepted, this allows us to tell you the forum content is user driven and not verified by us.

Necessary? Yes, it's required to allow you to continue to the deal.

Cookies: forum_jump_agree

Right To Manage Tool

What does it do? These cookies store what you've entered into the tool as you work through it.

Necessary? Yes, otherwise you'll be unable to complete the form.

eBay Local Deals Finder

What does it do? Sets a cookie to store your postcode.

Necessary? No. It's not essential for the tool to work, but it should make using it easier.

Forum cookies: No cookies are necessary, but all make the forums easier to use

Used in the gambling forum plugin. You must agree to the specific rules for that forum before you can post.


Used in the verification form feature on the registration process.


Used for changing the language on forum accounts.


Checks what you did when you last used the forum. This is a constantly updated cookie.


Updates the last visit and last activity times for guests and registered users (differently). Last visit is set to the last activity time (before it's updated). Last activity is always set to the specified time.


Stores an encrypted version of your password, when you are logged into the forum. It's checked every time the page loads.


Checks to see if you have already voted in the poll that you are viewing.


This is needed for security. It's checked on every page load.


Used for updating thread-counts when a thread is removed.


This remembers the forum style you have chosen.


This is the ID of the last viewed thread.


This stores your thread rating.


This stores your user ID. We check it every time a page loads.


Used for checking the read time of a discussion.


Used to changed the view of the forum.


If you enter a protected forum, this stores the password.


Used to store the ID of an account.


Used if you would like to switch between "linear", "hybrid" and "threaded" display modes.


Used to store a list of "collapsable" boxes.


Used if you want to remove an image.


Used for when you want to mass-manage Private messages on private.php using the check boxes.


Used to store a list of post IDs for multiple purposes such as copypost, spampost, dodeletespam and forum_prune.


Used to store the thread or post ID you edit the content inline.


Used to store visitor messages.


Used to store the content of a post if you want to quote it in one of your own posts.

In addition, when you click some links to other websites from ours, those sites may use cookies. If the link is starred (denoting it helps this site) the cookie could be placed by the 3rd party who provide that link. For more information, read How this site is financed.

How to stop these cookies

To stop cookies being stored on your computer in future, you'll need to alter the settings of your internet browser. You can find instructions on how to do this either through click 'Help' in the menu bar, or following these browser-by-browser instructions from

If you want to delete any cookies that are already on your computer, you'll need to locate the file or directory that your computer stores them in - this how to delete cookies information should help. Our cookies will have the file names yourname@forum.moneysavingexpert.txt or yourname@moneysavingexpert.txt.

Please note that by deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies you may not be able to post messages in our forums. Further information on deleting or controlling cookies is available at

What the * means above

If a link has a * by it, that means it is an affiliated link and therefore it helps MoneySavingExpert stay free to use, as it is tracked to us. If you go through it, it can sometimes result in a payment to the site. It's worth noting this means the third party used may be named on any credit agreements.

You shouldn�t notice any difference and the link will never negatively impact the product. Plus the editorial line (the things we write) is NEVER impacted by these links. We aim to look at all available products. If it isn't possible to get an affiliate link for the top deal, it is still included in exactly the same way, just with a non-paying link. For more details, read How This Site Is Financed.

Duplicate links of the * links above for the sake of transparency, but this version doesn't help

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